Don't get me wrong. I'm thankful for this period of time that God has gracefully bestowed...a time during which I don't have to fight for joy or struggle to be in the present because I'm too busy looking backwards regretfully or looking forward idealistically hoping for better days. Lately, my only complaint is being tired, but I'm tired from my life being absolutely full of doing things that I love.
I wanted to catch this blog up on this past year of my life, but not without recapping what the race looked like for me before this year of green pastures arrived. David and I have been married 5 1/2 years. And about 75% of our marriage has been clinging to each other in the rain.
Year 1: My parents' marriage of 25 years dissolved. Anxiety and depression set up camp in my soul, unresolved medical problems plagued my body, and I felt as if I had no idea who I was anymore.
Year 2: we started med school together until I withdrew a few months in due to illness of body, mind, and soul. Pain, panic, suffering, silence from God...the worst year of my life...and David had med school on top of it all. I went through a lot of counseling, saw a lot of doctors, took a lot of meds and supplements, and cried a lot of tears.
Year 3: I finally felt well for the first time in years. I decided to pursue medicine again but this time through PA school. I got accepted in December 2011...2 months later, I found myself staring at a + pregnancy test with a migraine in shock.
Year 3 was a hard one for our marriage. I wasn't ready to be a mom. My body was barely well enough to handle such stress, and I didn't really even know if I could have children with all the problems I'd had growing up. David was in his 1st year of rotations, studying for boards, and stressed without relief. My labor was long, and my postpartum period was even longer. It was so hard to see the light. So hard to just keep walking.
Year 4: We saw the sun again. David's year was lighter. We applied to residency and PA school together, and even though staying at home with Blake was exhausting, I could sense God's presence again. I led a Bible study, shared a home with some wonderful friends, and I decided that happiness is a choice, and it's up to me to pursue it. No matter what people say or think, who I am is up to me and God.
Year 5: David graduated from med school at last, I got accepted to my favorite PA program at Wake Forest, and that's where he matched for residency. We went to Africa as a family, and I faced my fears of serving overseas after all that happened to me in India so many years ago where I picked up the parasites that wrecked my body. That was also the place I lost my rose-colored glasses through which I used to see the world.

PA school is time-intensive, but because of all God has taught me the hard way, I know the limitations of my body and have pursued balance from day 1. I have not neglected my time with God, my sleep, my husband, my son, or my calling to serve those God puts in my path. His perspective is the perspective I strive to seek after and maintain even with all the busyness.
I'm so glad you wrote all of this, and so glad that I logged into my blog (for the first time in....a very long time) and saw this in my feed. Andrew and I will be in Winston-Salem in May, and maybe we could meet up. A lot of time has passed since the last time we sat and talked, and I would like to hear more about India in hindsight. I'm so glad this is a year of green pastures for you.